Sunday, December 6, 2009

Holiday Flat Doll Trade

My Last Trade in 2009

This is my flat doll for the Holiday Flat Doll Trade on F.A.T. (Fiber Art Traders). She is a combination of three different images. Arms are from one, and face and legs are from Dover images. The inspiration for this doll was the delicate green leaves that I received recently from Gretchen (also a FATie). They reminded me of skirt. I then set to work designing the doll. The bodice is a piece of vintage jewelry. Requirements for the swap were that the doll include something green, metal, and a button. There is metal on the jewelry, the button is in her hair, and her skirt is green. Now I wait until the first of the week to find out the name of my trade partner.

I displayed her on my breakfast nook tree just to see how she would look. She was fun to make. Maybe next year I will make some ornaments from my collection of vintage jewelry.


  1. Hi! I am new to your blog and wanted to let you know that I have enjoyed going through your archives. I admire your work. It's been very nice to meet you! Have a nice week! Twyla

  2. What a great idea for using collected vintage jewelry and bits of fabric. Very creative and pretty! Found your Followers...I'm there!
