Monday, December 7, 2009

Fabric Chirstmas Cookies Arrived

This year Norma of Fabric in Altered Art 2 hosted a fabric Christmas cookie exchange. You can read about my cookies here. Our cookies were mailed to Norma and she packaged the cookies and mailed back to us. She included the following recipe:

Hot Batch of Christmas Cookies

Made with delicious cotton fabric dough, appetizing frosting of gel medium and acrylic paint, sprinkles of lovely little beads, paper dots and paper words. Then baked to perfection with a nutmeg or brown acrylic paint.

Fat Free, Calorie Free and Sugar Free! Enjoy

Thanks to Norma for a wonderful swap. They are the perfect addition to my tablescape in the breakfast nook.


  1. What a great idea. I saw those in the Gifts issue of Quilting Arts! I didn't think of a "cookie" exchange! I think I may have to make some!


  2. oh my goodness I thought those were real at first glance! fantastic job! Happy pink sat.


  3. Hi Pam,

    Thanks for the write up! I am so happy you are enjoying your cookies.
