Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Chair Redo

Last week I found these these two ice cream parlor chairs at Goodwill with a $4.99 price tag.  The cushion was an ugly blue vinyl but the chair's iron metal was in great shape with a few scratches and little rust.  I decided to redo them for my guest room.  The guest room is also my GDs playroom.  We recently replaced their small table and chairs with a taller table/desk to accommodate growing girls. I needed two new chairs for the table and thought these had great possibility.

My DH was such a help with this project.  He cut new wood bases for the bottom of the chairs.  I was impressed that he could cut out such a perfect circle.  I was able to use the old foam cushion as it was still in great shape.  The fabric is another thrift store find.  It is vintage barkcloth.  I was able to cut two of the large flower motifs for the cushions.  I touched up the white paint with spray paint.  Now I have two beautiful small chairs for the room .