Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Monkey'n Round Bag

I finished this little bag this morning.  I didn't follow the pattern in the book but instead developed my own design.  The body of the bag is quilted.  The top edge has been bound as you would a quilt.  The flap and strap were attached.  I did a velcro closure with a botton sewn on top.  It will go in the mail tomorrow to a little girl in Calif who is having a 4th birthday soon.  I hope she likes it. 

If time allows I'll develop a tutorial and post later this week.  I plan to make a few more with other novelty prints in my stash.  Fun project and everything was in my studio.  (My little Featherweight is stitching wonderfully. It is such a wonderful little machine.  I received it as a birthday present two years ago.)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pam...what a cute bag and just think you were just monkeyN around. I think I've told you before how much I love to monkey around in my stash...and boy to do I have a Stash! Lucky little girl...I bet she will love the bag. I'm trying to finish some projects I started months ago...like a pair of SOCKS! OMGosh, I'm going to finish them or eat them. LOL! Sorry I've been so long in visiting...been gone and working. Come see me soon...Sue
