Monday, June 21, 2010

Today's Project

This is my project for today.  I continue to use fabric from my stash.  This lovely Monkey fabric was purchased at a little quilt shop in Danville, Kentucky last fall.  The fabric is Monkey'n Round by Moda.  I don't remember the name of the shop but it was right on the town square and filled with beautiful fabrics.  Yesterday I found this great book at JoAnn's and decided to try one of the simple little bags from the book.  I'll post the finished purse later.  I had my Featherweight serviced last week and was told to bring it home and sew with it.  So I'm following orders!  LOL!

My GD wants to learn to sew this summer and I decided I would have her use the Featherweight since it is small and simple.  We are planning on doing the classes in July.  I'm going to make a special place for her in my garage (it's air conditioned) with a table set to her height.  I think this will be easier than having her sew at my Koala cabinet.  She is looking forward to learning to sew and wants to make a pillow as the first project.

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