Sunday, August 15, 2010

Simply Crazy Quilted completed

I finished the binding on my Simply Crazy Quilt yesterday morning.  Today was a bright day outside so I decided to take a photo of the finished quilt on our outdoor swing. 
What a great way to use up those pieces of fabric left over from previous projects.  All the items (including the backing) are from my stash.  I didn't have enougth of either of the backing fabrics, so I decided to combine them. 
I followed the wavy lines on the backing and border fabric for machine quilting.  I also stitched in the ditch in across the wavy lines.  I'm now looking for more fabric to make another of these quilts.  I'm lov'n this pattern.


  1. Wow what a great crazy quilt and a perfect way to use up scraps! I hope your summer is going well:) We had a good fair and I am looking forward to slowing down in September:)

  2. I love this quilt....using scraps make the best quilts anyway because of the riot of color......
