Sunday, August 15, 2010

Wild West Tag Swap

A few weeks ago I signed up for a Wild West Tag Swap on Paula's blog.  Imagine my surprise when I saw a link to my blog along with photos of two of my Western Themed Fabric Postcards.  And the biggest surprise of all, one of my cowgirls quilties is the first prize she is offering.  Just click here to visit Paula's blog and see my fabric art.

She commissioned the little quiltie over a year ago and now it's being featured on her blog.  I am so honored.

Pictured at the top of this post  is my first tag for the swap.  I am to send two tags to Paula.  I'm off the work on the second one.

1 comment:

  1. I love this tag....and I remember that quiltie is wonderful and I am not surprised at all that it is a special prize!
