Friday, September 3, 2010

Pink Saturday

I'm back for Pink Saturday this the first week of September.  I haven't blogged much this summer.  It has been a busy summer.  We spend time with the GDs and enjoyed every minute.  They are back in school and I'm hoping to blog more.

I found this wall pocket a few weeks ago at a local thrift store.  Price was 99 cents.  Even though I'm trying to pare down my planter collection, I couldn't resist this little treasure.  I love the colors.  It is so vintage.  The pink and blue remind me of my first home after college graduation.  The little place had a pink bathroom and blue appliances in the kitchen.  This wall pocket would have been perfect there.

I especially like the hobnail blue bottom of the lamp.  The wall pocket is in perfect condition.  The spots you see on the back are paint from the wall where it was displayed.  (Probably lead based!)  I'm planning to display it in my studio with the vintage prints I featured on Pink Saturday earlier this year.  They will look great together.

A special thanks to Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for hosting Pink Saturday.  Next week I'll have a favorite blog to share with you.


  1. That is a sweet little planter. Lovely colors.

    Sending well wishes to your husband. I had knee surgery when I was a teenager and my knees just have never been the same. Last week, I fell down the stairs and landed on all fours. My knees are now bruised and I can't put pressure on them. Until someone has knee problems, you just don't realize how important they are in our daily movements. My mom has totally worn down the cartilage in her knees and has physical therapy every week. She has never driven, walks everywhere, and that may have something to do with it.

    Praying that your husband has a full recovery. Sounds like he's had a good start. Best wishes, Tammy

  2. I've been through the knee surgury & physical therapy with my husband so I kknow what you're going through, praying he recovers to the fullest!the vintage planter is sweet!

  3. Very unusual planter-love the colors together!

  4. Love your pretty planter. The colors are awesome!

    Happy PS,

  5. G'day Pam ~ 99cents or not I'd have had to have that beauty, too. Hope hubby does well quickly.

    Have a beautiful PS & holiday weekend.
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  6. Hi Pam, I'm glad you are back, but glad you had a fun summer with the grands..

    Love the wall planter, those colors are awesome and I too like the hobnail, reminds me of milk glass!

    Have a wonderful weekend and chat later


  7. Love your pink! Thanks for posting on my blog and sticking with me through this rough time.
