Monday, October 25, 2010

Fall in the Country

Here are a few of the photos I took while visiting our country home in Kentucky.  Fall colors were everywhere.  These are two of the interesting colors I found.

Dogwood Berries

 The dogwood trees were loaded with these bright colorful berries this year.  Won't be long before the birds arrive and they are gone. 

Wildflowers in the pasture

I found these little beauties blooming in our cow pasture out behind the house.    We do have cows in the pasture but they belong to one of our neighbors.  We allow him to let his cattle graze in the pasture.  This way it doesn't need mowing.  I don't know the name of the flower but they were beautiful.


  1. So love your pics. Our dogwoods are full, too ... so beautiful against the changing leaves.

    Have a BOO-TEA-FUL week!
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  2. Love the dogwood trees! Downsizing has been a chore for me. I do believe a yard sale is in order for us!

  3. Lovely photos Pam. Hope you are having a lovely time in KY.
