Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Welcome Fall Colors

Fall has finally arrived in Kentucky.  The weather is cool and cloudy today.  Leaves are turning and falling.   We have been experiencing record highs here but things cooled down today.  The squirrel are busy gathering nuts and the deer are munching on the leftover corn in the cornfield across the road from our home.  I've done a little quilting but have spent most of my time sitting on the deck out back enjoying the countryside and reading a good book.

I've taken more picture of fall colors and will post later. 


  1. Every Fall I think Fall Colors are my favorites. Then Spring comes and the flowers bloom, and I think Spring is my favorite. Now that it's fall...I'm back to Fall Colors and your photo helped convince me! Thanks!

  2. Hey Pam! I just love your Halloween quilts. The one in the previous post is just adorable. And love your swap piece that included the candy wrapper. S sweet! Best wishes, Tammy

  3. Hi Pam,

    So happy to hear you are kicking back and enjoying the scenery in Kentucky! :) Love the photo that you posted and can't wait to see the others.
    Miss you and when will you be back?
    Email me and hugs,

  4. Hi Pam,I just wanted to let you know that you have won my Giveaway! Please email me your home address and I'll stick it in the mail for you. Congrats!
    Leslie at Brookhollow Lane
