Friday, December 31, 2010

Bless This House 2010

As my final post of 2010,  I am featuring a beautiful blue and white Bless This House 2010 by Wedgwood.  It is a gift from my Calif sister and her DH.  She selected it for my blue and white tree.   Today I will begin to pack away my Christmas goodies and prepare to greet 2011. 

Happy New Years to all my friends in blogland.  I appreciate your comments and good wishes.  Let's toast the New Year!!!!


  1. That is lovely! Happy New Year to you as well!

  2. Hi Pam,

    Happy to hear that your DH is doing better. I wish him a speedy recovery!
    Wow we were on the same Wave Link with our posts. :) Come over and check my post for today. :)What a lovely gift. Too bad you are putting your Christmas things away. :( Mine are staying up a bit longer. :)
    Hugs and all the Best to you and Yours in the New Year.
    Thanks for your friendship!
