Thursday, December 30, 2010

Get Well Balloons

A Get Well Balloon arrangement arrived at our home yesterday.  Aren't they lovely!  They are for my DH.   He had heart ablation on Monday.  There were some complications but he is home and continues to feel better each day.  It is amazing what modern technology can accomplish.  He spent Monday night in the heart hospital ICU and was released from the hospital Tuesday afternoon.  Amazing!  Really messes with your head when your loved one is critical but you are told they will be going home the next day.  We're hoping for a successful ablation but won't know for a few months if the procedure was a total success.

We are so fortunate to have wonderful friends.  Gayle and her mother, Liz, sent the balloons.  Joe and Pam brought us a delicious dinner this evening.  We appreciate all their prayers and messages of concern.  We are looking forward to a New Year.  This fall has been a difficult one for my DH with knee replacement and then the heart.


  1. Modern medicine really is something! So glad your husband is home...I will keep him in my prayers for a full recovery! XO

  2. Dear Pam, so sorry to hear that you husband has been through all this these past months but the good news is he is home. I will continue to pray for good health and keep you in my thoughts. Wishing you much comfort and joy in this new year. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful creations with all of us. Blessings, Tammy
