Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Pink Saturday (the last for 2010)

We have been asked "What will we be going Christmas day?"  We will begin the day with a special family brunch with my DH and son and his family.  The table is set.  I decided to use my vintage Disney posters of Christmas in various countries as placemats this year.  I ordered these free educational posters from Sears in 1974 and gave them to my mother who was an elementary teacher.  She had them laminated and used them in her classroom.  After her death, we were going through her teaching things and I found these posters.  I was so excited to find them and now I use them as placemats at Christmas.  The granddaughters love to look at them and talk about traditions in other countries.  There are 12 in the set and 6 are on the table for brunch.  Below are a few closeups of the posters.

For our brunch I will make one of my son's favorite dishes, Green Chili Casserole.  I blogged about the casserole last year and posted the recipe here

For more Pink Saturday posts please check Bevelry's How Sweet the Sound

Merry Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful memory and a set of treasures to share.

    Merry Christmas Pam! Here's wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday together. I hope your Christmas and following days are filled with the Merriment and Love that sharing this special time of the year brings!

    I enjoyed seeing all your matchbox treasures, as well.
