Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Matchbox # 14 and a Christmas Candle

My Day 14 Matchbox comes from Sandi.  The box has a Christmas tree theme.  The box was beautifully decorated with a tiny Christmas tree with sparkly silver rope and red ornaments.  Tucked inside lovely earrings with green and red beads and a dangling Christmas tree.  Thank you Sandi. 

My DH was scheduled for a medical procedure yesterday but it was postponed at the last moment due an emergency of his dr.  So I used the time to work on some projects that have been floating around in my head.  I had seen candles decorated with machine emboridery and decided to try one.  The candles were $1.00 from the Dollar Store and embroidery pattern was free on-line.  The embroidery is done on organdy. I found a piece of organdy left over from a class project that was never finished.  It already had stablizer attached.  I'm very pleased with these little candles.  I made three and they will be gifts for friends at  lunch on Friday.  I'm not glad DH's procedure was postponed but glad I had time to try something new.


  1. Very pretty matchbox today and I love the look of the embroidery on your candles. I received your #14 box today...I love it! Merry Christmas!
