Monday, December 13, 2010

Snowflakes in Arizona

No not the real ones!  Just four snowflakes from my Janome 11000 embroidery machine.  I'm having lunch with a few ladies from the office where I worked before retirement.  I decided to make a small gift for each of them.  It takes about 35 minutes to embroider each snowflake but I can do other work in the studio as the machine does its thing. 

I added the hangers and now they are ready to place inside a Christmas card.  I purchased the hangers at a boutique a few years ago and these are my last ones.  I think I could make them if I had the right tools.  I've never tried jewelry making but this hanger looks simple enough.  Maybe for next Christmas.


  1. Those are the prettiest little snowflakes. A friend here has one of those machines and makes some fantastic items with it. Hope you are having a great day. :) Tammy

  2. Wow those snowflakes are gorgeous.
    Wish I had that machine.

  3. these snowflakes are so those machines are great i would have one if i could get the wall stretcher to work. lol.

  4. BEAUTIFUL snowfakes! I've never seen anything like them. And you could surely make those hangers - nothing' to it! You just need a pair of jewelry pliers and you'll be all set.
