Wednesday, December 29, 2010

VTT - Let's Play

My first Vintage Thingie Thursday Post.  I have been reading Vintage Thingie Thursday posts for quite some time and decided to join the fun this week.  Thanks to Suzanne the hostess of the weekly party. 

 My granddaughters spent two days at my house last week. They spent hours playing dress-up and it reminded me of this lovely old children's book I have in my collection. It is dated 1952.   I love the images in the book. Today I am sharing the first four pages of the book.

Below are photos of my lovely granddaughters as they played dress up.  One was the Fashion Photographer and took pictures of the other, A Fashion Model.  They selected outfits from  Mema's playroom and modeled them for us.  Aren't they lovely.  I too can remember hours of fun playing dress up as a child.  Some "Let's Play" activities never gets old or out of date.  Much more fun than a video game!!!!!!!!!


  1. Your book and your granddaughters are all cute. Playing fashion photographer and model sounds like fun.

  2. What a sweet book! I love old images from books and magazines. Playing dress up ranks right up there too!

  3. That is a sweet little book and it so much nicer to see kids using their imaginations rather than yelling at a tv screen and pressing buttons on a remote. :/ I have boys and that's all they want to do. Best wishes for these final days of 2010. Happy almost new year. Tammy

  4. Welcome to VTT Pam and I must say, a very appropriate post too! I LOVE vintage childrens books and this is perfect. Have a Happy New Year! Nan

  5. They may be on the start for a future career in modeling. They look great all dressed up. That is a wonderful child's book.

  6. Oh! What fun they must have with grandma. I love playing "stage" with my two granddaughters too. Isn't it fun to pretend!

  7. Very cute. I just love old books like that.

  8. I LOVE this little book! We have it in our collection too! It's one of my favorites! Your granddaughters are adorable! Have a happy new year!

  9. Very cute granddaughters and a wonderful book. The illustrations are great, I just love the expressions. Happy New Year!
