Monday, February 28, 2011

Winter Fabric Collage

I've been away from blogland for a few weeks.  Sinus infection and allergies have kept me from my studio.  Today I am sharing a fabric collage I made for the Winter Swap at A Swap for All Seasons.  My partner was Jill from Oregon.  She requested something in creams and soft browns.  The brown background is actually a handquilted piece from a vintage vest.  I found the vest at the thrift store some time ago and knew that eventually I would find a way to use it.  The vintage photo is from my collection.  I added the Pendleton label since Jill lives in Oregon.  I crocheted the cream flower and added buttons and Scrabble letters.  Tomorrow I will share the lovely fabric collage I received from Jill.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Fabric Valentine Cards and A Button Fairy

Happy Valentine's Day.  These are from two recent swaps.  The fabric cards are from a swap on Fabric in Altered Arts 2 and the button fairy from a swap on Fiber Art Traders.  FAT for short.  Button fairy is from the lovely Wanda.  Cards are from Cherie, Santa, and Carol.  Aren't they all lovely.  I have a few other Valentine items that I will post later today.  As for now, I'm off to have my eye's examined.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Vintage Valentine Doll Swap

Last week I posted a photo of the doll I made for Vintage Valentine Doll Swap.  When she arrived in Russia, Lena, her new mom, named her Valya.  You can read more about how I created Valya here.  Her dress is a vintage feed sack and she is holding hearts made from a vintage quilt top made by my great-grandmother.

Today for Vintage Thingie Thursday, I am showing you two picture of Valya as she learns about her new home in Russia.  There are even more pictures here on Lena's blog.

Looks like Valya loves her new home.  I'm envious of all the places she is visiting in her new Russian home.  Thanks to Lena for providing these photos.  And to think I almost didn't sign up to do an international trade.  What fun and I'm awaiting my doll from Lena.  Wonder what Arizona sights she would like to see????

Click here to see more Vintage Thingie Thursday posts.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

February Block of the Month - Only 15 more to go!!!!!

This is the February block for the Civil War Chronicles quilt.  I only have 15 more blocks to go!  I spent yesterday and today (not all of it) cutting, sewing, and pressing 128 half-square triangles.  I'm so glad that I had an Accuquilt Go template in the correct size.  I was able to use the same template for all the cutting of this square.  I'm sure I would still be cutting half-square triangles if I hadn't used the Go.

This is a very muted block.  The 16 squares will be sewn into 4 larger blocks that measure 16 1/2".  Eventually they will be joined to last month's center square.  Our chronicle this month featured Lizinka Campbell Ewell.  Her story was quite interesting.  She settled in Tennessee after the Civil War.  I'll post one of the finished larger blocks later this week. 

Another Upcycled Denim Jacket

I recently listed this little upcycled denim jacket  in my Etsy shop.  It features a back panel of wonderful vintage fabric.  The fabric did not have a manufacturer on the selvage but it is vintage.  I have seem similar fabrics for sale on Etsy and Ebay.  The rick rack is also vintage.  I found the jacket at the thrift store and after washing began upcycling.

  The back panel is made from a piece of the vintage fabric featuring a ballerina.  I think this is my favorite denim jacket redo so far.  I just love the design on the fabric.  I found two pieces of this fabric in the thrift store some time ago.  The other piece is has pink instead of blue tutus.  Hope the jacket finds a good home with a "little ballerina".  This jacket is a 4 T. 

I've had requests for larger sizes but I have difficulty finding any jackets larger than a 4 that are worthy of upcycling.  I think the older children wear their clothing longer and most are quite threadbare by the time they reach the thrift store.  The little ones grow so fast that their donated clothing is usually in good condition. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

I Changed My Cabinet Card Canvas

I took the cabinet card canvas from the previous post and changed the cabinet card to one I created.  I used a picture of my two lovely grand daughters and made a cabinet card.  Very simple, I just used Photo Shop Elements to print the picture in Sepia tone and copied the original cabinet card.  Put the two together and I have a vintage cabinet card with my modern day beauties. 
My daughter-in-law's birthday is today and this is the gift I made for her.  We had a wonderful family dinner on Saturday evening at Famous Dave's to celebrate the event.  Happy Birthday Marcy!!!!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Another Smitten Class Project

Cabinet Card Canvas

Each week we have a new project in the Smitten Class from Sugar Lump Studios.  This week the project was " Sweet Bebe Cabinet Card Canvas".  Nancy used a cabinet card featuring an adorable baby.  I decided to use a cabinet card from my collection.  I love this card featuring these two little girls.  I think it is a First Communion since one of the girls has what appears to be a Bible in her hand.

Following Nancy's tutorial, the collage was assembled on a 8" x 10" canvas.  Embellishments are from my stash.  It was a great project.  Looking forward to seeing what we do next week. 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Pretty in Pink

Happy Pink Saturday

This is the doll I made for the Vintage Valentine Swap.  You can find out more by clicking the link on the left.  My partner is Lena and she lives in Russia.  Today is our mailing day but I mailed this doll over three weeks ago and she still has not arrived at Lena's home.  Our dolls were to have a Valentine theme but also have a vintage theme.

I designed the pattern using a heart shape for her face.  I then stitched on the features with embroidery thread and added a wisp of red hair.  In keeping with the vintage theme, her dress is from a vintage feedsack and the hearts in her hands are made from a vintage quilt top.  My great grandmother did the hand stitching on this old quilt top.  She is about 24" tall.  I didn't give her a name.  I'm sure Lena will come up with one. 

Hope she arrives in Russia soon.  Lena promises to let me know when she arrives.  I'm not sure is Lena has sent my doll yet or not.  It is difficult since I don't know Russian and Lena's English is limited.  We have exchanged emails.  Lena has a beautiful blog but it is of course in Russian. 

For more Pink Saturday posts, check Beverly's How Sweet the Sound.

AN UPDATE:  Lena did received her doll and named her Valya.  You can read what Lena said about the doll if you check the comment # 3 under comments.  So glad she arrived safely in Russia.  I'm anxious to get the doll Lena sent me.  This was a great swap.  I'm pleased that I said OK to International swapping this time.  I usually say no since it involves  paperwork at PO.

First Block Completed

I completed the center block for my Civil War Block of the Month.  The square is 16 1/2".  I was amazed at how well the corners matched on each piece.  I used my AccuQuilt Go to cut most of the pieces.  I was lucky to have the right templates.  Probably won't be a lucky on some of the remaining pieces. 

I also took time to read the Chronicle that comes with each month's block.  This month's chronicle featured Mary Custis Lee.  Wife of Robert E. Lee and great grand-daughter of Martha Washington. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I've Started My First Block

Have you seen the new Civil War Chronicles Block of the Month Quilt?  It is beautiful (and huge).  I just picked up the first three months at 3 Dudes Quilting.  I spent the morning cutting the pieces and hope to sew this first block this afternoon.  They have the center panel on display at the shop and it is beautiful.  The fabric is my Marcus Fabrics.  I have seen the Club listed on a number of Quilt sites.   My friend was participating at 3 Dudes and I decided to join her.  Maybe I'll have a block to post later this evening.

Happy Quilting.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"T" is for tulip

We are nearing the end of our little alphabet quiltie swap on Fabric in Altered Arts 2.  How time flies, it seems like only yesterday if was making my A, B, and C quilties.   The tulip on this quiltie is fused applique.  Letters are stamped with Stazs On ink.  I added a vintage lace from my stash and quilted with my machine.  Edges are finished with satin stitch.  I love the colors in this background fabric.  Green and Purple are my favorite colors and Springtime is my favorite time of year. 

I'm anxious for those lovely Spring Days.  We had freezing temperatures here in the desert last night.  At 10:00 am I let our little doggie outside.  He went over to his outside water bowl, stuck his head in, and then gave me this strange look.  I went over to see what his problem was -----water in his little bowl was frozen solid.  Poor little doggie had never seen ice in his bowl.  I covered my plants in the flower bed and just hope they didn't freeze.  Many have lost their landscaping this winter.  Strange here in the desert.  I know I shouldn't complain since many of you have sub-zero but I live in the desert.  It isn't supposed to freeze.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's in the Mail

From this

To this

To this

The 30's reproduction quilt was finished over the weekend and went in the mail yesterday.  It is on it's way to Portland where it will find a home with David.  David and my son grew up together in our old neighborhood.  They attended elementary, junior high, and high school together.  David now lives in Portland and is restoring a 30's era home there.  I hoping he will enjoy this little quilt.  It is from 30's reproduction fabric but with a modern twist.  Pattern is Simply Crazy by Karla Anderson.  I quilted it on my Bernina using a meandering stitch.   I used my new Accuquilt Go to cut the 2 1/2" binding strips.  What a great machine.  Can't wait to use it on actual quilt pieces.  This coming soon.