Monday, February 28, 2011

Winter Fabric Collage

I've been away from blogland for a few weeks.  Sinus infection and allergies have kept me from my studio.  Today I am sharing a fabric collage I made for the Winter Swap at A Swap for All Seasons.  My partner was Jill from Oregon.  She requested something in creams and soft browns.  The brown background is actually a handquilted piece from a vintage vest.  I found the vest at the thrift store some time ago and knew that eventually I would find a way to use it.  The vintage photo is from my collection.  I added the Pendleton label since Jill lives in Oregon.  I crocheted the cream flower and added buttons and Scrabble letters.  Tomorrow I will share the lovely fabric collage I received from Jill.


  1. This is so cute, your partner is going to like it very much. I like the special touches you did. HUGS MARY

  2. Hi Pam,

    No wonder you have been so quiet! I have missed you. :(
    Hope you get better really soon.
    Your fabric collage is really nice. I am sure Jill will like it.
    Can't wait to see hers. :)

