Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fabric Collage from Jill

As promised yesterday, here is the mini fabric collage I received from Jill in the A Swap for All Season's Winter Swap.   Isn't it lovely!  I told her that my studio is pink and pale green and that I love vintage.  This is what she did for me.  The base is a vintage quilt piece that has been signed by the maker.  She added vintage pink check yoyos, lovely laces, and vintage buttons.  I love it and it hangs in my studio.  Thanks to Jill a wonderful partner in this swap.  You can find a link to Jill's blog on yesterday's post.


  1. Hi Pam, hope you are feeling much better by now. Thanks for your visit and birthday wishes. Your winter fabric collage is so pretty. I love how collages can be made from just about anything. Gorgeous pieces as always. Hope you are having a great day. Best wishes, Tammy

  2. I like what she did. Also hope you are feeling better!

  3. That is so darling, lucky you. HUGS MARY
