Thursday, November 17, 2011

Chestnut and Vine Block of the Month completed

My Chestnut and Vine Block of the Month quilt top is completed.  It is huge (82" x 82").  It is shown here on our king size bed.  It will be going in the mail on Monday to Ohio.  Wanda will be quilting it for me.  She quilted my Southwest quilt and it is one of my favorites. 

The Chestnut and Vine quilt used cheater fabric for some of the blocks and triangles.  It looks much more detailed that it actually is.  BUT there is quite a bit of applique in the quilt and this took many hours to complete.  I'm very pleased with the results.   Can hardly wait to see what it looks like after Wanda's beautiful quilting.


  1. Wow! It's so big! And I love the colors. I know Wanda will do wonders with her quilting. What's next on your worktable? Hope your weekend is great. Tammy

  2. Thanks Tammy.

    I'm working on some little strip piece bags for Christmas presents. I'm hoping to personalize them with names.
