Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Past

As we approach Christmas Day, I am reminded of Christmas past.  This is an old photo of my Mama's tree.  Each year she took her ax and saw and went out in search of "the perfect tree".  She often took along one or more of the 20 grandchildren.  The tree was a cedar tree from the family farm.   The tree was placed in the entry hall of her huge brick home.  The home dated to the early 1880's and had high ceilings but Mama always managed to find that "perfect tree". 

Mama bought presents all year so that she had something for everyone in our huge family.  As great grandchildren arrived they too received special gifts.  I remember my son, John, received a toy gun and holster for Christmas 1977 from Mama.  I remember this because he also received a rocking horse and cowboy hat that same Christmas from Santa.  My grandmother had no way of knowing John was going to be a cowboy that Christmas, since she lived in Kentucky and our family was now living in Arizona.  I guess Grandma's must have a special relationship with Santa.

Thinking of Christmas past is a mixed bag.  I remember those great times we spent at Mama's and Papa's house on Christmas day.  All the cousins running in and out the front door with Papa yellling:  "Close the door.  You're letting the cold air in."  Those were the good times.  On the other hand, the photo above was taken by my best friend and cousin, Doug.  He was a wonderful photographer and took photos of many family events.  But a few days before Christmas 1983, he was killed in a traffic accident on black ice.  I remember that Christmas well as I accompanied my father to Kentucky for the funeral on December 24th. 

I wish each of you a Very Merry Christmas. I'm sure each of you have memories of "Christmas Past". 


  1. Merry Christmas! Let's hope 2012 is a better year for all!

  2. Bittersweet memories. The holidays always seems to bring those on no matter the circumstances. I hope you are having a wonderful day! Best wishes for the new year. Tammy

  3. Certainly some sad and happy times. I wish I had photos of past Christmases growing up, but I am grateful for the memories.

  4. I would love to have a copy of the crayon caddy

  5. I would love to have a copy of the crayon caddy
