Sunday, January 1, 2012


Today I selected my word for the year.  Early this morning I decided the word should be simplify -verb- to make less complex or complicated.   I then attended church and the pastor's sermon was titled "Simplicity".   Simplicity - noun-  the state or quality of being simple.  Now I know I'm on the right track for 2012.  Wish me luck as I search for "simplicity" and attempt to "simplify" my life.


  1. I think this sounds like a good plan. I'm on board!
    Happy New Year to you.

  2. Sounds like something I need to do!

  3. Isn't it great when you receive verification of what you've already set in your mind. I always start my year off with the book Simple Abundance. Always trying to find balance in life. Hope your week is wonderful. Tammy

  4. Hi Pam:) I'm still here and really need to follow your plan! I thought about you this holiday season. My MIL gave me a vintage apron that her mother made and it is so cool! I will have to post it for you:) I hope 2012 is simple and not complicated like 2011 was for us. Happy New Year to you!!!!
