Sunday, May 20, 2012

Jelly Roll 1600 Quilt

Yesterday I posted that I had taken a Jelly Roll 1600 class that morning at Mulqueen's Sewing Center in East Mesa.  I had seen the finished quilt in their shop and decided to signup for the class.  I had no idea what Jelly Roll 1600 was or that it was a "race" to the finish.  I didn't even check the web until I came home yesterday from class.  Here is a link to a  Jelly Roll 1600  "RACE".   I won't bore you with the details here but if you want more info check this video.  The 1600 refers to the 1600" strip of fabric sewn from 40 jelly roll strips.  We used this long strip to begin the race.  One lady on the video finished in 30 some minutes.  Our winner finished in 48 minutes and we thought we were fast.  I finished in 3rd place at 52 minutes and received a Mulqueen's gift certificate.  They are to email me a photo of the three winners and I will post.  It is interesting to see how each quilt top is so unique.

The quilt top is finished in class and then you add the batting, backing, and binding at home.  I will be taking this to our vacation home in Kentucky to complete.  I'll post a photo of the quilt when finished.  It was fun class.


  1. You are a talented group...I can't imagine doing that top that would take me days lol!

  2. Now that is 'Speedy Sewing'! What a neat idea and a super neat quilt top! I have heard of Jelly Roll's...I like the ones you eat, too!

  3. I've never heard of that either, but how fun. You guys must have done some super fast sewing to do a top that fast. It came out really nice!

  4. I love the colors and patterns! Reminds me of the Indian quilts we can get that are so vibrant and colorful. I can't imagine sewing that up in less than an hour. Of course, I can barely sew a button. :/ Happy weekend wishes to you, Tammy

  5. Hi Pam, Congratulations!
    Love the Jelly Roll Quilt and that Redwork Quilt is gorgeous!
    Keep up the lovely work.
