Saturday, May 19, 2012

Mini-Redwork Quilt

I finished my project for the week.  I'm loving this mini-redwork quilt.  The photo doesn't do it justice.  I'll try to take a better photo later. 

I participated in a Jelly Roll 1600 today at Mulqueens Sewing Center.  What a great class.  I won third prize ( $10.00 gift certificate).  I completed my quilt top in 52 minutes.  The winner finished in 48.  It was interesting to see how each quilt had it's own unique flavor.  I'll post a photo of mine later and describe the experience.  Now I'm off the watch the D-back game.


  1. It's beautiful, Pam! And I can't wait to see what you made in 52 minutes! Have a great day. Tammy

  2. I love the way this turned out and your brilliant mix of patterns! Congratulations on winning third place, sounds like a fun time:-)
