Monday, January 5, 2015

Bento Box Quilt

I began this quilt last year while in Kentucky.  It was the local guild's mystery quilt.  The instructions called for a light neutral for the prominent fabric but I decided to use a gray instead.  We completed two of the blocks at the guild meeting and I did the remainder in KY and back home in Arizona.  The pattern is called Bento Box.   If I were to make this pattern again, I don't think I would add the border.  Since this is for a young lady, I felt that the flowered border added a feminine touch.

The top had been waiting for quilting and was perfect for one of my first longarm quilting projects with Flora.  Flora is so talented.  I just hope I can master some of her wonderful features.

This quilt features an "edge to edge" design from my Pro Stitcher software.  It has stars and swirls.  Below you can see close-ups of the quilting stitches.

It isn't perfect but I'm learning as I go.  I had issues with the tension but overall I'm pleased with the results. I have classes one Saturday a month at Sew for the Heart in Scottsdale.  I have learned so much from fellow longarm quilters. 

The quilt will be a graduation gift for a young lady that's graduating in June.  Now I need to add the gray binding. 


  1. This is lovely, Pam...I love the great colors and fabrics! It will be a wonderful gift!

  2. Wow! It's beautiful. And as I always say, handmade is heartmade and should not be perfect, though I'm pretty sure no one but you would think there is anything slightly wrong with the quilt. A wonderful gift. Best wishes, Tammy

  3. Look at you and Flora go...beautiful job on the fabric selection, piecing and quilting. So glad to see you back in blogland. This makes me want to quilt again, but for one it's too cold in my studio, and two QuiltALottie has a new home since last spring. I am out of the Longarm business. Doing good with it though. Enjoyed it for many years for business and pleasure. Was time to 'Let It Go'. Happy New Year and Happy Quilting.
    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal
