Thursday, January 8, 2015

TBT Mom - My mentor on my sewing journey

This is a photo of my parents and me.  I was about a 1 1/2 years old in this photo.  My mom was pregnant with my sister at the time.  This photo hangs on the wall of my studio above my desk.  I'll be adding more photos to this wall as I blog about my Mentors
I have to decided to concentrate on my journey in the sewing and crafting world this year in my blogging.  Today I want to recognize my wonderful MOM.  She taught me to sew at an early age.  She told stories of me stringing buttons with a needle and thread when I was only two or three.  People would question her about letting such a small child use a needle and thread but she continued to let me work on those skills that I would use even today. 
A very special thank you to my Mom.  She left us much too early at the age of 58 but the life lessons she taught me have been passed on to my son and are now being taught to my two beautiful granddaughters.  I'll do a blog about these two wonderful young ladies and their sewing project next week.


  1. Such a special memory and talent to pass to the next generation. Love the picture, and what a good idea to blog about your 'Sewing Mentors'...a bit of family history there. I look forward to your next post.
    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal

  2. It is a wonderful thing when parents allow their children to create and explore at an early age. How lovely that your mother taught you to sew and that it has been something you've continued to do with joy. Best wishes, Tammy

  3. Pam I am back! Quiltcrazygaljennalouise is now Jennalouisecreates. I miss my blogging buddies, life changed a lot for me in the past few years. I learned a lot of life lessons and grew as a person. I realized creating is in my soul and my blogging journey was a positive light I miss dearly. I have always enjoyed your lovely blog and look forward to visiting more often again. This post touches my heart. My Mom is my sewing idol, she passed her love onto me also. How beautiful to honor such a wonderful person. Your long lost blogging buddy.

  4. Such a sweet photo...your mom sounds like a wise woman! I know you must miss her...xo
