Thursday, February 26, 2015

Keeping It on the "Q.T." Quilting Tip # 3

It's past time for another "Q.T." tip so here is next "Keeping it on the Q.T."  tip.

Tip # 3 - Audition your fabric before you start sewing. 

If you audition your fabric before you take that first stitch, you will save your time and hopefully eliminate using your seam ripper.  Below is an example of how auditioning your fabric will help when making a quilt.

As you know I'm working on a quilt for Quiltmaker's Scrap Squad.  My quilt will be featured in mid March.  I blogged earlier about Tip # 1 selecting the fabrics I would use for the quilt. 

Once my fabrics were selected, I pressed each piece with Best Press.  Mary Ellen's Best Press is a clear starch alternative.  I purchase mine at the local quilt store.  I love it for removing wrinkles and adding crispness to my fabric.

My first cutting involved my scraps. I described the cutting process in  Tip # 2 "selecting the right tools".


Now to AUDITIONING before you sew.

 I had originally thought that my scrappy pyramids would have 4 of the small novelty print pyramids.  See below.
Once I saw how the 4 prints looked in the pyramid (auditioning), I decided to change it up a little.  Back in Tip # 1, one of the last things I did in fabric selection was to add a POP of color to the stack of fabric.  It was a bright yellow fabric.  So I decided to audition the yellow in the center of the pyramid. 

Now that's better!  I did end up using the back of the yellow fabric.  I felt the front of the fabric was a little too yellow.  I will do a post on looking at both sides of your fabric at a later date.

I still can't show you the finished quilt but here are the scrappy pyramids to be used in the quilt.

Thanks for stopping by.  For more info on Scrap Squad click on the link at the top of the blog.  Happy Quilting.  Keep checking for more Keeping it on the  "Q.T." tips.

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