Friday, July 30, 2010

New Paint in the Living/Dining Rooms

I have been busy the past couple of weeks redecorating our living/dining room.  I guess it would be called a great room in newer homes.  But since be live in a historic district (due to get our designation in September),  I'll just call it our living room with a small dining area.  I had seen a room in a decorating magazine that had very light blue walls and I fell in love with the room.  I've never had a blue room and really never thought of having one but the pictures of that room convinced me to give it a shot.  The decorator room was very similar to our room with couch, shelves, bookcases, hutch, and floral curtains.  There was pottery on one shelf and frames with photos and art on the other two shelves.  I'm loving the new look in the room.  It is so light and airy.  Quite a change from the previous gold and green walls.

It's hard to photograph the blue accurately.  The photo at the top comes closest to the real color.   I found some lovely Waverly curtains that incorporated many of the colors in the room.  I think they are my favorite so far.  I still working on the final details.  I found a wonderful vintage table lamp yesterday.  It is in perfect condition and looks great with a new shade.   I hoping to hang some art work tomorrow.  I'll post more pics later.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


This is the needlecase that I made from the rooster pincushion fabric.  I found the pattern on-line.  The original pattern had an applique flower on the front.  I decided to use my embroidery machine and add a momogram to the front of the little case.  Hope my partner, Dani likes it.  I'm still gathering items to include in my vintage clutch.  She likes fun and funky.  I'll show you all the stuff I send her once my box is in the mail.  Just wanted to show you my needlecase and pincushion.

This swap has inspired me to help my GD learn to embroidery.  She is 7 and today we had our first lesson.  I made her a little sewing box and bought her a purple embroidery hoop.  I put some leftover embroidery floss, blunt scissors, and large eye needles in her sewing box.  Today she embroidered her initial on a piece of fabric.  She used a simple back stitch.  She learned to thread the needle, tie a knot, and tie off her stitches.  Next week we will use her initial piece to make a small pillow for her room.  I didn't take a picture of her work today but will try to remember next week.  She is so excited to be sewing and started a second piece with her sister's initial.  It is fun to see how excited she wa about sewing. 

We tried sewing on paper with the sewing machine but I need to find the right size chair.  She had difficulty controlling the foot pedal because her feet didn't reach the floor.  We used a thick book but it wasn't the ideal learning situation.  We'll try another setup next week.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Fun and Funky Rooster Pin Cushion

The fun and funky roosert pin cushion is complete.  I searched on-line and found two patterns for the rooster pin cushion.  I used parts of each to complete this little pin cushion for my partner in the Embroidery Floss Travel Sewing Kit swap.  She likes black and all brights.  I think these fabrics are bright and include black.  I received the fabrics in a trade on Fiber Art Traders (FAT).  Now I'm off the make a needle case out of the same fabric. 

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Fun and Funky Pin Cushion

I recently signed up for an Embroidery Floss Travel Sewing Kit Swap.  To find out more click the link on the left margin.  My partner describes her style as fun and funky.   So I'm making her a fun and funky pin cushion for her sewing kit.  Can you guess what it's going to be?  I can't show the pin cushion quite yet but it is truly "fun and funky". 

Summer tote swap

You may remember this little quiltie.  It was a techniques week on Fiber Art Traders a few weeks ago.  I decided to use it to embellish a tote for a swap on Fabric in Altered Arts 2.   We were to make a beach tote or embellish an pre-made tote.  This is my tote.  In addition to the quiltie, I painted the front of the tote with fabric paint.  Hope my partner likes it.  We will be assigned partners on Thursday.  The swap is hosted by the lovely Norma at Creativity Has No Limits.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

South American Mystery Quiltie

I've been on a blog vacation.  We were traveling and also did some redecorating in our living/dining room.  Room looks great thanks to DH's paint job.  I'll post pics later.  Trip was to Utah for a family member's wedding.  Lovely backyard reception.

I completed this little quiltie today.  It is for a trade on Fiber Art Traders (FAT).  The theme is South American Mystery Quilts inspired by photos from a recent trip by our hostess.  Fabric was part of a give-a-way on Wanda's blog that I won some time ago.   The fabric was perfect for this quiltie.   The photo transfer is one of my personal photos.  I photographed the flower in my front yard at our vacation home in Ky. 

I'm hoping to get back into my studio next week.  I've missed my sewing machines the past few weeks. 

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Mini Scrap Book from Noelene in Tasmania

These are Noelene's photos of the Mini Scrap Book she sent me.  FAT (Fiber Art Traders) hosted the trade.  I just love the little mini scrapbook with the paper dolls.  Noelene left a few pages blank at the back for me to add journaling or more pictures.  You can see my mini scrap book here.   Thanks Noelene for this great little book.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

July quiltie M is for Monkey

This is my July quiltie for Fabric in Altered Arts 2.  We are doing quilties for each letter of the alphabet and July is "M".  I purchased a fat quarter of each of these fabrics at a little quilt store in Danville, Ky last fall.  A few weeks ago I made a small tote from the fabric and decided the leftovers were perfect for a Monkey quiltie.  I added the selvage with the fabric name "Monkey'n Round".  I embellished the quiltie with a card from a box of child's alphabet cards.  Luckily the M was for monkey.  Quiltie will go in the mail next week.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fourth of July Fabric Postcard

This is a fabric postcard that I made for a friend.  It was very simple to make.  The base is Peltex.  I printed the address and a quote from President Eisenhour on the reverse side.   I found the image on the web.  The site has a number of vintage postcards for the Fourth of July.  The star fabric is from my stash.  I think it was left over from a flag quilt I made for my son.  I used my Janome 11000 to do the satin stitching.  I think it does the best job of all three of my machines when it comes to the satin stitch. 
Our family is looking forward to a wonderful Fourth of July.  We will be attending events in downtown Mesa tomorrow evening, fireworks after the baseball game on Saturday evening, and lunch after church with the granddaughters on the 4th.  Back to the ballpark to see the Chicago Cubs play on Monday afternoon.  Busy next four days.