Sunday, January 27, 2013


I started a Scrappity-do-dah quilt this weekend.  I made 20 of these squares.  Now I only have 420 to go.  The pattern is from a McCall's America Makes Fast Quilts but I'm telling you this isn't a fast quilt.  The little blocks are quite labor intensive.  Cut the block, cut block on the diagonal, cut the center strip, sew together, and them trim to 5".   However, the quilt in the magazine is beautiful.  This is to be a gift for someone special.  I'm hoping to complete 20 blocks a week (maybe more).  As long as I finish in time to quilt before Christmas.

I am using fabrics from my stash (one of my frugal goals for the year).  I did go to JoAnn's today and use my Christmas gift card.  After 15 years my rotary cutter died.  My cutting mat had also become very brittle.   A big "thank you" to my DH for such a thoughtful gift.  I'll enjoy the new rotary cutter and mat for many years.

My goal for this week is to finally finish the border on my Civil War Chronicles quilt.  I would like to get it to the quilter this spring.   I'm only a year late in finishing the 2011 block of the month quilt.  I really haven't enjoyed this block of the month but I know the finished quilt will be awesome.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Pocket Purses

I recently had craft day with granddaughters.  They wanted to make Pocket Purses using my embroidery machine.  I took my Janome 11000 to their house and they each made a Pocket Purse using Anita Goodesign's Projects Pocket Purse designs.  They had fun making these purses.  The design is a in-the-hoop design.  Even the zipper is added in the embroidery hoop. 

Here GD#1 shows her Pocket Purse while GD#2 used the embroidery machine.  She uses her purse to hold her IPOD.  We had a great time using the embroidery machine.  The project was so simple that they were able to complete the purse with little supervision.  They are so familiar with computers that a computerized machine doesn't intimidate them.  Fun time!

Monday, January 21, 2013

It's Valentines on the Front Porch

The front porch had been neglected since the Christmas decorations were removed.  I decided to decorate the porch bench with a Valentine's theme.  The Welcome sign is from Goodwill 99 cents.  I washed it and put it in a frame I had in the garage.  I think the frame will look better painted black but it will do for now.  I made the quilt many years ago.  Yesterday I painted an old basket pink and added the puffy hearts.  I added a few more decorations today.  I'll have photos later.

Hope you are enjoying your Holiday.

Friday, January 18, 2013

AcuFil Works

AcuFil quilting
The AcuFil program for my Janome 12000 worked perfectly to quilt the two large squares on the table runner from my previous post.  I did have a couple of issues but once I figured out the center feature on the program, the design fit perfectly in the space.  I'm anxious to use the program with other quilts.  Very easy once I learned the basics.

I have really enjoyed my Janome 12000 and all its features.  I especially like the large hoops and being able to embroider large designs.  I also used the built in dual feed feature yesterday to sew the patchwork pieces together and do the "in -the-ditch" quilting.  I'm gradually learning many of the machine's features.  There is so much to learn but I'm lov'in it!

Yesterday's Project

Yesterday I completed this little table runner.  It is made from Moda Tapestry Charm Pack.  My friend gave me the charm pack for Christmas.  The pattern is from the book Charmed and Dangerous  by Heather Peterson.  It was a quick project.  The batting, backing, and binding are from my stash (that's my goal).  
I used the "stitch-in-the-ditch" quilting method but left the two center squares.  I'm planning to try out my new AcuFil Quilting program for my Janome 12000 and add a decorative motif in the center of each square.  This will be my first experience using AcuFil Quilting.  I'll let you know how it goes and post a photo.

It's good to be back in the creative mode after almost three weeks of ill health!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Quilt is finished

The quilt is finished.  It measures 40" x 40".  The backing is flannel and the binding is pink polka dot fabric.  (Both from my stash)  The quilt looks great hanging on my design wall but guess I'll have to part with it soon as the new baby is due in March.

Here is a closeup of the binding and backing.
Next up is a tablerunner from a charm pack a friend gave me for Christmas.  

Thursday, January 10, 2013

A New Quilting Project

This is my current quilting project.  It is a baby quilt for a new grandniece.  The embroidery designs are Anita Goodesign Oodles of Doodles.  The fabric is 30s reproduction fabric and they are stippled using Anita Goodesign Foundations embroidery.  In keeping with my word for 2013 "frugal", all the fabric is from my stash.
I wanted to use the same color threads through the quilt so I selected a variety of thread colors prior to beginning the project.  I used my fabrics as a starting point for thread color.  All threads were in my thread stash.

When the quilt top is finished I will use a pink flannel backing and pink polka dot binding from my stash.  I'm hoping to use up much of my fabric stash this year.  It was a goal last year but it seems that I added more fabric than I used.  I'm hoping to do better this year.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Crochet Cap for American Girl Doll

Two of my grandnieces received American Girl Dolls for Christmas.   Today I decided to experiment with making a crocheted cap that will fit their doll.  This is my Felicity doll wearing the cap.  I used yarn that I had  in my stash. The cap might look better in a smaller yarn but this will do.

I made a small crochet flower and added a felt flower embellishment.  I will be mailing it to one of the grandnieces this week.  Years ago I did alot of crochet but not recently.  Then just before Christmas a friend showed me how to make crochet scarves from the lacy yarn.  I made 10 as Christmas gifts.  I'll post photo of those later.  I've have a stubborn virus and haven't been on blogger much over the past few weeks.  Finally went to the doctor and hope the meds will begin to work soon.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Happy New Year to all my Blog Friends.  DH and I had a lovely New Years Eve at home after a nice dinner out.  Our little doggie is upset by fireworks so we were here to reassure him that all is well in 2013.  We are looking forward to good health in the coming year.
I have finally decided on my word for 2013.  It is frugal.   According to my readings, furgal  it’s about living smarter, so that you can afford to live the life that you want to live.  The key word being YOU.   After reading about frugal living, I came to underatand that it isn't about deprivation but instead it's about creativity, organization, planning, making wise decisions, and much more.  All to help you live the life you want to live.  I think it is just what my 2013 should be about.  I hope to blog about some of my frugal living experiences in 2013.  (Of course, my love of thrift store shopping fits right into frugal living!)