Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Dress Quilt from Norma

This is the dress quilt that I received in the Goodie Bag Challenge. I sent Norma a bag of goodies. She made the dress quilt from those goodies. I just love the quilt. She included the clothes line and clothes pins for hanging. It looks great on the wall in the guest room. I just love this fabric and am so glad Norma was able to use a large piece. I picked up the fabric at Granny's Attic in Ky last fall. I think I still have a small amount of the fabric. It will probably become a quiltie. You can check out Norma's blog to see the before and after pictures.

I think this was one of my favorite swaps in the Fabric in Altered Arts Yahoo group. Next we are doing a kitchen tea towel swap. I have some kitchen towel fabric that I purchased in Portland, OR a few years ago. I need to find it and get busy making my towels. We are to make two towels. I'll post pictures when finished. I'm thinking of a flower pot theme using vintage rick rack and yoyos.