Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Crazy Quilt - Goodie Bag Challenge

These are photos of my goodie bag challenge project. I posted a pic of the items I received earlier. When I opened the bag of goodies, I immediately knew that it had to be a crazy quilt. I selected the theme "Garden". I was able to use most of the items sent to me in the goodie bag. I added two pieces of fabric from my stash and used my new felting machine to make the focal flower in the center of the quilt. I also used my felting machine to felt some of the sheer fabric to a muslin base. This made the fabric easier to work with in the quilt. I used the printable fabric organza I purchased recently to print the garden quote.

I certainly hope my partner, Pamela C., enjoys this crazy quilt. I had fun making it and am very pleased with the results.