Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Our Blue and White Christmas

My Blue and White themed Christmas is taking shape.  I'm loving it.  The little trees, the wall arrangement, and the white tree.  All perfect together.  I added the remaining vintage fabric around the base of the tree.  Tonight I will wrap presents in blue, white and silver paper. 

Here are the three frames that I purchased at the thrift store.  I removed the glass, painted the frame and mat with silver paint, used my blue and white fabric as a background, and added beaded snowflakes.  I had fun searching all the store for beaded snowflakes.  You can see more below. 

I purchased this little "peg board" at the thrift store and painted it with silver paint.  It is the perfect place to display some of the beaded snowflakes I found.

The glitter bird and snowflakes are from Walmart.  Vintage blue ornament is from thrift store and other vintage ornaments were given to me by my sister. 

Now I will be adding other Christmas decorations throughout the room.  My DH just finished hanging the Christmas lights.  We bought new ones last year on clearance.  They are the star icicle lights and look wonderful.  Tomorrow is December 1st and I will begin opening my Matchboxes (See link to the left)

December Fabric Postcards

The postcard above is on it's way to Florida.  It is for the December Fabric Postcard Swap on Fabric in Altered Arts 2.  Recently we have been exchanging postcards every two months.  We have a themed exchange on alternate months. 
For this card, I used PelTex as the base.  I covered the Peltex with a red fabric and then added an applique cut from Christmas fabric.  I added glitter around the edge of the applique and stamped "DEC 25" randomly on the fabric.

I made the postcard above for a Blogland friend.  Hope she likes it.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Blue and White Tree

My blue and white tree is decorated.  Just finished this afternoon.   I looked and looked until I found the perfect white tree.  I love it.  The blue ornaments came from various places.  The vintage blue ornaments came from the thrift store and some were given to me by my sister.  Others were purchased at Walmart, Kmart, and JoAnns.  I found the tree topper at Home Goods.  The lighting wasn't great this afternoon.  I may try photographing in the morning to see if I can get a better pic but I was so excited to share my lovely tree.  Even my DH is impressed with our Blue and White themed decorations.  I have a few more to share as I continue to decorate.  Tomorrow is kitchen time and it will not be blue and white.  The theme there is red and white. 

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Christmas Tree Swap

We are having a Christmas Tree Swap on the Fabric in Altered Arts 2 group.  I haven't participated in many swaps recently.  However, I did sign up for this swap.  The tree was to be approximately 12" high, incorporate fabric on a flat surface, and include a hanger.  After the tree was completed, we were to add embellishments.  I made this little tree from scraps of green fabric.  It is stitched to a PelTex base.  I used my sewing machine, rhinestones, and Stickles to embellish the tree.  Thanks to Cathy over at Fabric in Altered Arts 2 for hostessing the swap.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Let Your Light Shine

Happy Pink Saturday!  For my pink post this week, I am sharing one of my art quilts.   The quilt features my granddaughter.  It was one of my first art quilts and it hangs in her room.  I saw the quilt yesterday when we were at my son's home for Thanksgiving.  I immediately knew that I would feature it for my Pink Saturday post.  Hope you enjoy it.

For other Pink Saturday posts please visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound.

I can't feature only one of the granddaughter's so here is the art quilt I made for the other granddaughter.  Sorry it isn't pink.

Another Blue Christmas Creation

I finished this blue wreath today.  I bought the silver wreath at WalMart and added blue Christmas ornaments from the thrift store.  Ribbon for bow is from Micahel's.  My holiday decor is progressing.  Today I am removing Thanksgiving and boxing up for next year. 
I was hoping to get the tree out of the box today but don't think it will happen.  I'm off the see Tangled in 3-D with granddaughters and then it's Lighting of the Christmas lights at church this evening.  The holidays are off to a great start.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Vintage Ads and Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all my blog friends.  I thought you might enjoy these vintage ads from the 1940s kitchens.  Most are from Good Housekeeping  March 1948.  Have a wonderful day with family and friends.  We are going to my son's for Thanksgiving dinner and to my sister's for dessert.  Enjoy your day.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Vintage Fabric Ruffle Tree

Yesterday, I completed this ruffle Christmas tree from my vintage fabric.  I found a tutorial for making these little trees.  I bought the styrofoam base at JoAnns.  I tore my fabric along the selvage and did the ruffle stitching on the selvage.  I used my Janome11000 and my new ruffler foot.  I purchased the foot last weekend during the Janome demo days at a local sewing machine store.  The top of the tree is a drawer pull painted with silver paint and the base of the tree is a blue candle stick.  I purchased the candle stick last year at the thrift store. 

Completing the little table top display is a glass tree and little silver tray.  They are recent thrift store purchases.  The aluminum tree is from Walmart.  A silver footed dish from the thrift store serves as the tree base.  I'm really liking the blue theme.

I'm so excited, I found the perfect white tree on Saturday.  I had searched at a number of stores recently but couldn't find the perfect tree.  Saturday I found it.  It's in the box waiting to be opened. 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Few More Neighborhood Flowers

 Last week I went in search of color in my own yard and those of my two neighbors.  This is my final post.  The first three photos are from my neighbor, Dawn's yard.  The purple is from my own yard.  The weather is changing here.  Cool (for Arizona) and windy today.  Glad I took my photos last week because today is cloudy with little sun.

 Thanks for visiting my blog.  I spent the weekend making and embroidering pillowcases.  I'll show you those tomorrow. 

Friday, November 19, 2010

In Search of the Color PInk

I found these lovely roses in my neighbor's yard.  He has three rose bushes along the picket fence that divides our properties.  The bushes were tended lovingly by his wife.  She passed away and number of years ago and they aren't nearly as beautiful as when she took care of them.  Here are roses from each of the bushes.

These lovely mums are in my other nieghbor's yard.  She has the most lovely mums growing on the side of her house.  I think these qualify as pink.  

The flowers above are from my yard.   The rose is what my mother called "Old Time Rose".  The bush has been in the yard since the house was built in the 1950's.  They are very delicate and don't last long when you cut them and put them in a vase.   The other flowers washed in with irrigation years ago and my father decided to let it grow up near the house.  (He usually mowed everything that wasn't in a flower bed.)  You must have guessed that the home belonged to my parents.  We decided to down size and move into the old neighborhood in 2005.  We love it here. It's a neighborhood where we have front porches and leave the light on at night.  Our neighborhood (West Clark) was recently listed in the National Historic Registery.  Such a great place to live.

Hope you have enjoyed this Pink tour of our neighborhood.   Weather has been lovely here in the desert Southwest but we are scheduled to cool down this weekend with possible rain. 

Thanks for visiting my Pink Saturday post and thanks to Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for hostessing the event.

In Search of Color

Yesterday I took my camera outside "In Search of Color". The last months have been consumed with my DH's doctor appointments and medical testing and procedures. When we came home from his appointment yesterday, I felt a need to find something bright and colorful. I found it in our yard and that of our two neighbors. I went out and took photos. Today I am sharing some from our yard. Tomorrow I will share the lovely color pinks I captured on my little photo shoot in the neighborhood. I know it fall.   But in Arizona, we can still find many brilliant colors.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Star Glow and Shimmering Silver Tree

I found 6 of these Star Glow dinner plates at the thrift store recently.  They are vintage Royal-Ironstone by Royal China of Sebring, Ohio.  I hoping to use them on my Christmas table.  I think they look great with this fabric.  Haven't decided if I will make placemats or a table runner.  My blue Christmas theme is slowly coming together.  Haven't done much the past few days.  We are dealing with DH's health issues. 

I did find this little silver tree (shown below) at WalMart for $6.00.  It will make a great table decoration. 

More Blue Christmas to come.  I'm considering a collection of small trees this year instead of a larger tree.  Just haven't found the perfect large tree.  Maybe a large tree on the patio.  Lots of ideas floating around!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Gathering of the Blue

The Gathering of the Blue is underway!

For the past few days, I have started collecting blue items for my Blue Christmas.  I already had the vintage fabric.  I picked up the little silver pieces at the thrift store(45 cents for the little vases).  Background fabric is from JoAnn's (more later).  I picked up the ribbon and other items today at WalMart and Michaels.  I'm sure I will be returning for more but I just wanted to see how everything goes together.  So far I'm pleased.

 Below is the second piece of my wall arrangement.  Ornament and fabric are from JoAnn's and frame was in the garage just waiting for a coat of silver paint.  I can  see these on the wall hanging from some of that lovely blue ribbon I purchased today.

I just had to show you a close-up of this great retro inspired fabric from JoAnn's.  I found 6 retro dinner plates last week and plan to make placemats from this fabric.  I'm not sure it was intended to be snowflakes but that's what I saw. 

What fun I'm having.  I have a few more items from the thrift store to share tomorrow.  I'm also searching for another frame for the third silver frame.  Haven't found the perfect tree yet but WalMart has this cute little blue cashmere tree that may just jump in my basket this week.

Monday, November 15, 2010

It's Going to Be a BLUE Christmas

I have decided to use the color Blue and Retro as the theme for my holiday decorating.  I was inspired by a piece of vintage fabric that I recently purchased at the thrift store.  I think it is 50's or 60's.  You can see my post here.
This is my first piece.  It will become part of a wall grouping in my living room.  You may remember that I recently painted the walls a pale blue.  The background fabric is my inspiration vintage fabric.

Last week I purchased the frame below at the local thrift store.  I think it is someone's wedding photo.  So sad that it ended up in the thrift store. 

Once home I removed the glass, matting, photo, and backing.  I discarded the glass.  Actually it broke when I was removing it.  Luckily, I was standing over the garbage can just in case this happened.


Frame, matting, and backing were then sprayed with silver metallic spray paint.  I gave the frame two coats.

Put it all back together.   Glued the fabric to the backing.  Added an ornament from JoAnn's.

A special thanks to kelleyhighway.blogspot for the inspiration.

I purchased some retro blue fabric and another ornament at JoAnn's yesterday.  They are destined to become the next wallhanging in the display.  I just need to find the right frame. 

Can't decide if I want a aluminum tree or a white one.  I've looked at a couple of white ones and wasn't impressed.  I have seen some of the vintage aluminum ones on ebay.   What do you think?  I'll keep you posted on my progess toward a Blue Christmas.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Pink Cupcakes


I have been busy making Christmas gifts.  I found the most wonderful book, "All Dolled Up" by Joan Hinds.  It features patterns for Girls and their 18" Dolls.  I finished this little pink Cupcake apron for one of my granddaughters.  I purchased the fabric at JoAnn's.  (No I didn't have any cupcake fabric in my stash.)  The apron is completely lined and is reversible.  I will make a matching doll apron using the same fabrics. 

Below is a photo taken from the book.  Since the cupcakes on my fabric were larger, I decided to omit the applique cupcake.  The instructions are very easy to follow.  Book if full of great ideas for girls clothing and accessories and matching items for doll.  My granddaughters have American Girl Doll (gifts from previous Christmases).

The second little girl's apron is show below.  Since I have two granddaughters, I decided to use the same cupcake novelty print but changed the second fabric.  This way they will know which one is theirs.  I'm thinking a Mommie apron from the same fabric might be a great gift for my DIL.  I purchased the last of the cupcake fabric and think there may be enough left over for an adult size apron. 

Since I'm featuring pink cakes, I thought you might like to see the Pink Cake pincushion I made for a friend last year.  You can read the post here.  The matching apron is here

Thanks for visiting my blog on Pink Saturday.  For a list of all participants check out Beverly's How Sweet the Sound. 