My first yahoo group was Fabric In Altered Art. I love that group, Cathy, the list mom, decided to open the group to others and change the name to Fabric In Altered Art 2. You can sign up at Yahoo groups. Look for fabricinalteredart2.
I am hosting the very first swap in this group. It's an altered Honey Bee Market Bag/Tote swap. We will alter your average Market Bag by adding an altered fabric art panel to the front of the tote. Theme for the panel is Honey Bees.
I got the idea when Anthropology sent out an email about their Honey of a Month displays. The displays were in their stores in April and were made from recycled materials. The purpose was to raise awareness of the plight of the honey bee.
I took the idea and decided to host "Honey Bee Market Bag" featuring recycled market totes.
If you would like to join us, just sign up at Yahoo groups.