This patchwork piece was one of my found TREASURES yesterday at the thrift store. It measures about 14" x 80". I assume someone began a quilt and didn't finish. "Their loss is my gain!" All the little pieces in such lovely colors. Wonderful vintage piece. This will be a great addition to my stash.
Once home I washed the piece and put it in the dryer. This morning I was searching for inspiration for a mini quilt for a Light Blue Themed swap. As I was ironing the patchwork, I saw the light blue star. Perfect for the background of the Light Blue Quiltie! The results are shown in the photo. An image from Dover and a little vintage rick rack (also thrift store) and my quiltie was on its way to completion. I embellished the image with Stickles and added backing and binding. I'm pleased with the little piece of art!
this little discovery made a beautiful piece of art. I love the child's face
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