Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Out of the Blue Mystery Trade

I joined a new yahoo group recently, Fiber Art Traders (F.A.T.) and this is my first swap in their group. The Trade is called "Out of the Blue Mystery Trade". We were to use the following items: fabric in some form of blue, recycled piece of plastic, thread or yarn, something from nature, and a circle.

I called this art piece "ONE FISH, BLUE FISH". The fabric is shades of blue wool that I found in a bundle at the thrift store. The bubble is both my circle and recycled plastic. The seaweed and waves are made from various yarns. The twigs are from the orange tree in the backyard.

I cut the wool fabric into strips. I then used a weave pattern and attached to a piece of canvas with my felting machine. I then added the yarn waves and seaweed with the felting machine. The fish pin was added and circles were cut from plastic packaging. I embellished the circles with Stickles and attached with Diamond Glaze. I also used stickles on the twigs and glued them to the piece with Ultimate Glue. I then added a backing and binding. I'm quite pleased with this "little work of art". Hope the group likes it.