This is the story of my "Dream Cabinet". Three years ago we moved into a small ranch style home in the West Clark historic area of Mesa. Most of the furniture from our previous home was given away or taken to our second home in Kentucky. Basically we started out fresh in our new "little" retirement home. I spent many hours searching thrift stores and secondhand furniture stores for just the right furniture for this home. We did buy an new Lazy Boy sectional and had furniture custom-made for the master bedroom. Over the past three years, I had tried various things as a cabinet in the small dining area but nothing seemed to work. While searching through a Pottery Barn catalog, I discovered this Glass Cabinet. It was the wrong color red and had a price tag of $1499.00 plus $150. shipping. (See top picture.) But I really liked the style and the size was perfect. I cut out the picture and kept it in my ideas book. Everytime I went into a thrift store, I would look in the furniture section to see if they had anything similar. Never found anything remotely like my "Dream Cabinet".
Fast forward.
Today I get to brag on my DH. He is retired and now works for a realty company doing various handyman type jobs. The middle picture is from an email he received asking him to remove this "large cabinet" from a home. The new owners didn't want it and since it was a repo the previous owners didn't take it. He called me into his office to look at the picture and asked if I thought I might use it in my little garage for storage of my treasures. I said lets go look. When we saw it, we were overwhelmed at the size of the thing. Over 12 feet in length with four huge glass doors. Much too big for my garage so we thought maybe our son could use it in his. As we looked closer, we realized that it was solid oak and very well built. It appeared to be made in four pieces. We left wondering what we could possible do with such a big piece. My DH was convinced that it needed to go the thrift store.
A few days later, I was looking through my idea book and saw my dream cabinet and began to see the similarities of the two pieces. I asked my husband to look at my picture. He said lets wait and see how it comes apart when I go pick it up. He had to make two trips with our large flatbed trailer just to bring the pieces home. We measure the two outer pieces and "there was only a few inches difference between the pieces and my "Dream Cabinet". Then we noticed the crown molding and bottom molding that were a close match to my "Dream Cabinet". We decided to go for it.
DH had painted my dining room table pedestal, entertainment center, and shelves in our combo living - dining room a dark red. He does an excellent job with his sprayer. We learned from the experts who did our bedroom furniture that the secret is to lightly spray many coats of paint until you get the look you want. So he painted the cabinet.
Doesn't it look lovely. I'm so excited. It is perfect. He still has some touchup work do after installing the crown molding but I had to take a picture today. Just what I needed to complete the dining room and display my blue ceramic dinnerware. I can't believe that we were able to get my "Dream Cabinet" in the correct color for the cost of the paint and $12.00 at Home Depot for the glass knobs. Of course, I owe it all to my wonderful DH.
Hope you like my little story.